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What is the history of cosmology timeline?

By JodonP → วันศุกร์ที่ 16 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2558

The research on this mineral world was started a long time ago and the total time period from that beginning moment is considered as “cosmology timeline”.

 The word cosmology is the combination of two Greek words, “Kosmos” and “Logos”. The meaning of the words are world and science respectively. From that point of view, the meaning of the word cosmology is the science of the world. So it is clear that cosmology is a special science that deals with the causes or phenomenon of this organic or mineral world. The scientists of cosmology formulate some of the theories to explain the condition of this mineral world like the availability of the light, heat or electricity. The research on this mineral world was started a long time ago and the total time period from that beginning moment is considered as “cosmology timeline”. In this article the beginning history of “cosmology timeline” will be highlighted to inform them the introduction of this special field of science.

Cosmology Timeline

The discussion of the history of “cosmology timeline” began with the research of Pythagoras and the time estimated between 500 BC to 300 BC. Pythagoras assumed that the earth was in motion and he tried to find out the numerical relation between the earth, planets, sun and moon. He assumed that all the planets, sun and moon are in motion with the earth in a harmony of music and he considered a big sphere as the music of the sphere. Then he taught Aristotle that the sun, moon, planets and the other stars are in motion around the stationary earth and those are carried away from that big sphere. Pythagoras also taught Aristotle that the earth was unique as stated at the central position and also for its composition of minerals. At that time both Pythagoras and Aristotle have tried to calculate the distance between the earth and the moon but they failed to do so.

In the later part of the history of “cosmology timeline”, after Pythagoras and Aristotle another scientist named Aristarchus also kept a special role in this history. He was a famous Greek mathematician and astronomer. He is the first man who proposed the idea about the modern model of the solar system. According to his idea, the position of the sun is at the center of the universe not the earth. And on the basis of that he predicted that, all the planets are in a correct order considering with the sun. After him, in the 200 AD a scientist named Ptolemy gave another idea which was similar to the Pythagoras’s idea. But in his theory, the earth was also in a motion with the neighboring Sun and Moon.

The history which are mentioned are the history of “cosmology timeline” at the beginning stages of research on the cosmology science. Basing on the previous theory, the modern cosmological theory is established. Without the efforts of those scientists, it becomes impossible for the scientists of this generation to reach in this level. It's the hard work and desire of those scientists which is helping the scientist of this generation to achieve the success in this field.

What is the Big Bang theory?

By JodonP → วันศุกร์ที่ 2 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2558

Big Bang theory : Everything has a beginning and similarly there is no exception in case of the creation of the universe. The Big Bang theory is one of theories which can explain the creation or the beginning of this universe. According to physics and astronomy it is also considered that this universe had a beginning. It is assumed that, before the creation of this universe, there was nothing in the place. That the places in which this universe is situated was vacant in the earlier period. And the Big Bang theory is of the theories that can explain the creation of this earth following the rules of physics and astronomy.

Before going to the description of the Big Bang theory, a clear idea about the term “singularity” will be shown and it will help the general people to understand the theory in a better way. It is assumed that about 13.7 billion years back, there was nothing. The singularities are the zone which contains some parts of the universe together. And it is thought that those singularities existed at the core of the black hole. Black holes are defined as the areas that has a high gravitational force to attract everything towards its center. Within a black the finite substances stay in such a condition that the size of those substances becomes theoretically zero but has infinite density. And those substances are termed as singularities.

At the beginning of this universe, a massive explosion occurred which is called the “Big Bang” according to the Big Bang theory. After that explosion, the expansion of this universe had occurred and afterwards the universe cooled down and take the proper shape as it is considered in the modern days. According to that theory, billions of stars, planets all were created at that very moment of the explosion and after cooling all of this has taken proper shape and also take up their position. Our earth which is the only planet suitable for living has created from that explosion. Though some of the scientists have shown some doubts that there was no type of explosion occurred at that time rather expansion occurred since that time. According to them, the expansion was like a balloon and with that expansion a finite balloon takes the shape of infinite Universe. But beyond all those doubts, this Big Bang theory is accepted as the base of creation of this universe.

At the end it can be said that, this Big Bang theory has changed the point of view of the modern scientist as it has got proper explanation. This theory is accepted by the modern scientists considering from some points of views like, universe had a beginning. All the galaxies are in a proportional distance with each other and according to Hubble’s law the universe was considered as compact at one stage. According to Kelvin, the size of a substance can be theoretically zero. And one of the main things that it, this theory confirms that there is an existence of God.

What are the remarkable achievements of Stephen Hawking?

By JodonP → วันศุกร์ที่ 26 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Stephen Hawking is the name which is well known to the people of the whole world for his remarkable achievements throughout the lifetime.

Presidential Medal of Freedom” The mentioned awards are the remarkable achievement of Stephen Hawking."

He is one of the special names that will be kept written with golden letters in the scientific community. His astonishing observations and perfect explanation of those observations has helped the world of science to advance in a quicker way. Stephen Hawking was born in the United States in the year 1942. But he had to return London as both of his parents are from there. He had completed his graduation in the year 1962 from the Oxford University. After the completion of the graduation, he became famous within a short time for applied mathematics and theoretical physics. An accident happened at that time which made him a paralyzed patient, but that accident couldn’t stop him from his determination rather all his remarkable achievements are after that accident.

The first mentionable achievement was the Eddington medal in the year of 1975. Though Stephen Hawking was paralyzed and was unable to speak, he was the man who kept a massive contribution for the breakthroughs of the theoretical physics. And the Eddington award was given to him as an honor for his remarkable contribution. As the scientists found his contributions as something special, they nominated his name for the Albert Einstein Medal. And after that nomination, Stephen Hawking received the famous Albert Einstein Medal in the year of 1979. After that he was named as the fellow of the famous Royal Society and he is one of the few people who received this honor in the early stage of life.

The “Wolf Prize” in Physics is considered as the most prestigious award after the Noble Prize and Stephen Hawking won that price in the year of 1988. He won that famous prize for his hard work and deep research on the two most important topics. The two topics are Big Bang Theory and the Black Hole theory. He wrote a famous book named “A brief History of Time” where the proper explanation of the two mentioned theory was added and that book is the bestselling book from 1988. For his outstanding services in the field of science he was honored with the award Copley Medal arranged by the Royal Society in the year 2006. His last award is the “Presidential Medal of Freedom”  in the year 2009 and this is the highest honor that can be given to a citizen of the U.S.A.

The mentioned awards are the remarkable achievement of Stephen Hawking. But without those achievements, this famous man had won a number of awards over his life span. He has kept a remarkable influence in the field of science especially physics. His outstanding contribution will help the scientist of the next generation in many ways. At the very end it can be said that, he is the person whose name will be written in golden letters for the next thousand years.

Cosmology Definition - How Many Versions Does It Have?

By JodonP → วันศุกร์ที่ 19 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2557

An effective cosmology definition is broken to a number of streams and divisions. The world of cosmology began with the Greeks. They found an ordered way of reasoning and planning universal artifacts. The Greeks wanted to study the universe in its totality and wholesome. Their definition was classified under three major domains, namely the religious, philosophical and scientific facets.

The study of Heaven
Scientific cosmology is common and admired by scholars. This falls under the idea of physical cosmology. The branch of study gives an overview on how the universe began and is ought to end. The scientific study based on physical cosmology was the oldest and most novel version of analysis. The "celestial study" alias "cosmology" is also known as "The Study of Heaven".

Origin and destruction of planetary motions
Newton's cosmology definition was initiated in the year of 1687. The analysis solved a large number of universal notions. Newton's cosmology is a physical mechanism. It frames around the principles of origin and destruction in terms of planetary motions. The universal law is better and stronger than the previous systems. The former definitions are based on static and never changing strategies. Newton's cosmology was used and exploited by Einstein after two long centuries latter.

Stable and discreet models of Einstein
Cosmology definitions have changed with modern and novel principles. The modeling was made stable and discreet with the help of Einstein's innovations. The foremost definition was based on universal expansion and shifts. Late in the years of 1929, the cosmology definition moved towards the Milky Way and distant galaxies. These well framed ideas were used to identify the size and age of the universe.

Three different cosmology definitions

Cosmology works with the following disciplines.

Physical cosmologies - this is governed by physical laws and historical findings. Physical view runs around the domains of science and religion. The physical cosmologic definition is based on experiences and presumed facts.

Metaphysical cosmology - this is a definition that relates the universe with many other entities. The metaphysical relationship is based on observations and sturdy analysis. The metaphysical cosmology definition as stated by Marcus Aurelius is, "He who does not know the world is definitely not aware of where he is and who is was".

Religious cosmology - these are statements that would explain reality and existence. Such views can be "drawn on" to identify the origin and final condition of the world. Religious cosmology definition is used for understanding the role of human beings in various cosmological environments.

Recent innovations and state of art technologies
Cosmologists use a large number of mechanisms to find and clarify their findings. They can collect data with the help of astronomical satellites and telescopes. These findings can be used to understand the universe and its deepest truths. Recent innovations and state of art technologies can be used to form better models. Nature and evolution falls under several different scales. The discovery will help scientists to discover the past, present and future. Conversely, the old cosmology definition formed a base that en routed towards sturdy and discreet principles.

Cosmology definitions with the Greeks and Hindus

By JodonP → วันศุกร์ที่ 12 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2557

The cosmology definition is based on time changing principles. The most antique views were based on infinite time and never ending universes.The physical parameters of a cosmological definition are based on sturdy dynamics and strategies. The process of evolution has been happening in a consistent manner. Cosmology deals with the origin and destruction of this galaxy. The study is followed by scientists and scholars. Nonetheless, the field of study did begin with the Hindus and Greeks.

Art of keeping and maintaining
Scientists aim on learning cosmology, as it will ordain them with a clear overview of where and how the future will look like! Identifying the beginning of the universe will definitely help experts identify its fate. The stream of cosmology deals with the thorny and intricate laws of nature. The "art of keeping and maintaining” nature in order becomes easy with cosmology. The cosmology definition is based on time changing principles. The most antique views were based on infinite time and never ending universes. No one has ever created a cosmology definition that would en cover over all the different perspectives of life and existence.

Physical and religious prospects
Scientists and scholars have always wondered on what would form an idyllic definition for cosmology. The origin and end can be famed in terms of physical and religious prospects. The foremost ideas have differed by several amounts and sky scrapping heights.

Modern science
To start off with the process of analysis, the physical cosmology was exploited by scientists and physicists. Every day, a large number of scholars have framed novel concepts and strategies. The findings have evolved around the fields of time and space. The cosmology definition becomes plain and meaningless without the foremost parameters.  “Time and space” have evolved to be the two major principles that defined the universe. Big Bang theory was the best and one of the finest forms of studying the universe. Modern science has created a cosmology definition with the help of observational astronomy and particle physics.

Analyzing cosmology
Cosmology definition was triggered in the early days of 1730. This was when the term “Cosmology” was been launched. Christian Wolf played an impeccable part in defining and analyzing cosmology. The most recent form of study takes the universe as a whole. Conversely, the study does fall into the analysis of various celestial objects.

Earnest research and investigation
Cosmology definition is formed with the help of earnest research and investigation. Though experimental, the theoretical version of cosmology is much easier to calibrate, when compared with the practical definitions. The field of analysis is followed by scientists who inspect the larger portions of the universe with smaller divisions.

A discreet and definite cosmology definition will help scholars, academicians and commoners to answer the subsequent queries:
1)      Is there only one universe in this whole galaxy?
2)      How far are the other universes?
3)      When and how did the universe begin?
4)      When and how will the universe end?

Deep and unbreakable truths
Cosmology definition is capable of sustaining deep and unbreakable truths. The universal theories are based on verified and clarified principles. Cosmology is a stream of analysis that is filled with strange and unforeseen facets. The never ending study is based on mathematical and engineering stratagems.