What is the Big Bang theory?

By JodonP วันศุกร์ที่ 2 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2558

Big Bang theory : Everything has a beginning and similarly there is no exception in case of the creation of the universe. The Big Bang theory is one of theories which can explain the creation or the beginning of this universe. According to physics and astronomy it is also considered that this universe had a beginning. It is assumed that, before the creation of this universe, there was nothing in the place. That the places in which this universe is situated was vacant in the earlier period. And the Big Bang theory is of the theories that can explain the creation of this earth following the rules of physics and astronomy.

Before going to the description of the Big Bang theory, a clear idea about the term “singularity” will be shown and it will help the general people to understand the theory in a better way. It is assumed that about 13.7 billion years back, there was nothing. The singularities are the zone which contains some parts of the universe together. And it is thought that those singularities existed at the core of the black hole. Black holes are defined as the areas that has a high gravitational force to attract everything towards its center. Within a black the finite substances stay in such a condition that the size of those substances becomes theoretically zero but has infinite density. And those substances are termed as singularities.

At the beginning of this universe, a massive explosion occurred which is called the “Big Bang” according to the Big Bang theory. After that explosion, the expansion of this universe had occurred and afterwards the universe cooled down and take the proper shape as it is considered in the modern days. According to that theory, billions of stars, planets all were created at that very moment of the explosion and after cooling all of this has taken proper shape and also take up their position. Our earth which is the only planet suitable for living has created from that explosion. Though some of the scientists have shown some doubts that there was no type of explosion occurred at that time rather expansion occurred since that time. According to them, the expansion was like a balloon and with that expansion a finite balloon takes the shape of infinite Universe. But beyond all those doubts, this Big Bang theory is accepted as the base of creation of this universe.

At the end it can be said that, this Big Bang theory has changed the point of view of the modern scientist as it has got proper explanation. This theory is accepted by the modern scientists considering from some points of views like, universe had a beginning. All the galaxies are in a proportional distance with each other and according to Hubble’s law the universe was considered as compact at one stage. According to Kelvin, the size of a substance can be theoretically zero. And one of the main things that it, this theory confirms that there is an existence of God.