What is the history of cosmology timeline?

By JodonP วันศุกร์ที่ 16 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2558

The research on this mineral world was started a long time ago and the total time period from that beginning moment is considered as “cosmology timeline”.

 The word cosmology is the combination of two Greek words, “Kosmos” and “Logos”. The meaning of the words are world and science respectively. From that point of view, the meaning of the word cosmology is the science of the world. So it is clear that cosmology is a special science that deals with the causes or phenomenon of this organic or mineral world. The scientists of cosmology formulate some of the theories to explain the condition of this mineral world like the availability of the light, heat or electricity. The research on this mineral world was started a long time ago and the total time period from that beginning moment is considered as “cosmology timeline”. In this article the beginning history of “cosmology timeline” will be highlighted to inform them the introduction of this special field of science.

Cosmology Timeline

The discussion of the history of “cosmology timeline” began with the research of Pythagoras and the time estimated between 500 BC to 300 BC. Pythagoras assumed that the earth was in motion and he tried to find out the numerical relation between the earth, planets, sun and moon. He assumed that all the planets, sun and moon are in motion with the earth in a harmony of music and he considered a big sphere as the music of the sphere. Then he taught Aristotle that the sun, moon, planets and the other stars are in motion around the stationary earth and those are carried away from that big sphere. Pythagoras also taught Aristotle that the earth was unique as stated at the central position and also for its composition of minerals. At that time both Pythagoras and Aristotle have tried to calculate the distance between the earth and the moon but they failed to do so.

In the later part of the history of “cosmology timeline”, after Pythagoras and Aristotle another scientist named Aristarchus also kept a special role in this history. He was a famous Greek mathematician and astronomer. He is the first man who proposed the idea about the modern model of the solar system. According to his idea, the position of the sun is at the center of the universe not the earth. And on the basis of that he predicted that, all the planets are in a correct order considering with the sun. After him, in the 200 AD a scientist named Ptolemy gave another idea which was similar to the Pythagoras’s idea. But in his theory, the earth was also in a motion with the neighboring Sun and Moon.

The history which are mentioned are the history of “cosmology timeline” at the beginning stages of research on the cosmology science. Basing on the previous theory, the modern cosmological theory is established. Without the efforts of those scientists, it becomes impossible for the scientists of this generation to reach in this level. It's the hard work and desire of those scientists which is helping the scientist of this generation to achieve the success in this field.