What is cosmology?

By JodonP วันจันทร์ที่ 13 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2557

     If anyone came to you today and asked what cosmology was, would you have an answer for them? Some of us might not have a clue what is cosmology. There are however some people who have studied the different definitions of cosmology and can tell you what is cosmology to different people according to their religions and believes in life.

     There are people who have specialized in cosmology. This people go through history to try and identify how the universe came into being. These people can tell you what is cosmology based on different theories available. Some of these theories include.

Physical theory :

     The physical theory has two major arguments on what is cosmology. One argument suggests that the universe is made of masses. These masses have gravitational forces in them and these forces keep on pulling each other. This force helps keep the universe in place and without this force; the universe would be non existence.

     Another theory argues that the universe came into being after a big bang occurred. According to this argument, the universe was originally very small, something that you could hold at the palm of your hand. This small universe heated up and finally exploded to form many fragments. The many fragments did not just split but they continued expanding. Our current planet resulted from such expansion.

     There are also religious theories that try to explain what cosmology is. According to the bible for example, the universe was created by God who separated heaven and earth. God also created everything that can be found in earth. When people die, they will either go to heaven or in hell depending on their actions when they were on earth. With the Hindu, what cosmology is so different to what those who believe in the bible know? The Hindu believes that there are many universes in existence at any given time. These universes however can come to an end and other universes start. There will however be an end to all this and existence will end at some point.

     The fact that what is cosmology can be defined from so many angles means that cosmology can be a very interesting field to study. Anyone who studies cosmology tries to find out what different groups of people have to say about cosmology. They also try to find out how these people got to define cosmology and where they got the facts to try and argue their point.

       History has a lot to tell about cosmology and one cannot tell which theory truly explains what cosmology is. One is therefore entitled to their own believes and no one should ever dictate what you should believe in. What you know about the universe might be in conflict with what another person knows but this should never bring conflict between people.

Where the universe comes from!

      Cosmology can be defined as a study that tries to explain where the universe comes from, what are the changes that have occurred to the universe to date and also predict what might happen to the universe with time. 

     If you want to look at cosmology definition from a religious point of view, you will get many cosmology definitions each with a different explanation but all based on religion

     There are many religions to be found today. These religions follow certain rules and doctrines that are outlined in sacred books. These books try to explain the origin of the universe and also tell what is bound to happen to the universe in the future.

     If you want to comprehensively tell what cosmology is, you have t look at the past, the present and the future.

     Cosmology definition when looking at the past tries to explain what happened for the universe to be the way it is today. Has it always been like that? Did anyone create the universe and if it was indeed created, who prompted the creator to think on creating the universe as it is. If the universe was a different thing, what made it change? Are those changes bound to happen again?

     Cosmology definition also take in to consideration the present. Most of us can understand what is going on in the universe today. A lot of money is pumped in to projects that try to find out everything happening in the universe today. There are other aspects of the universe that are hard to monitor and people can only make conclusions from what has happened in the past.

     Cosmology definition also takes in to consideration the future. Most cosmology theories try to explain what will happen. Is the universe going to be like it is now forever or are there going to be changes? If changes occur, what will trigger these changes? Are the changes going to affect different life forms and exactly how are these life forms going to change?

     From what we can find out about cosmology, we can see its importance in our lives today. It is very important for all of us to know how the universe resulted and what is going to happen after we die. One thing that confuses many people thought is that cosmology definition differs. It is therefore hard for anyone to know what to believe in. For some of us, our definition of cosmology is decided for us when we are born. We might therefore want to believe in only what we have been taught. This is very okay. Some people might be on a mission to try and find out whether what they believe is the right thing or they should change. Understanding cosmology can be very hard and it requires devotion and hard work. You have to find out about the different definitions, look at their arguments and from there, try and deduce the truth. Just know that in cosmology your truth might not be the other persons truth.

Cosmology definition: Study of the universe

     Cosmology means different things to different people. One thing that all definitions have in common is that they all talk about the universe. Cosmology can therefore be defined as the study of the universe and everything found in the universe. In cosmology, we try to find how the universe came in to being. We also try to establish whether any changes have occurred or whether the universe is still as it was in the beginning. We also try and speculate so that we can know what to expect from the universe.

     Many of us are filled with many questions about the universe. It is of course normal that we want to know about the universe too much because we are a part of that universe. Humans are also born very curious and we try to find out how what everything that surrounds works. With this knowledge we are able to know what to expect and also better understand why the situations are as we can see them.
     So what cosmology definition is the correct one? That can be a hard question on anyone and I do not think anyone has the right answer to it. Some people believe that the universe was created by a superior being. The superior being created the universe out of his own will and created everything that lives on this planet.

     Cosmology definition to you might be one thing and it can be a completely different thing to another person. If for example you are a Hindu, cosmology definition will mean something so different from what a person who believes in the bible defines cosmology.

     Cosmology definition can sometimes be overtaken by events. As we advance different details emerge and these details can invalidate some definitions. Some information however helps in explaining further and helps us all understand the universe better. There are scientists who have dedicated their whole lives in to trying to find out and understand what the universe is all about. These scientists take their time to find as much as possible what happened in the past. The past is very critical when one is trying to explain how the universe came into being. Cosmology definition will depend a lot on the theory that explains the origin of the universe.

     According to some cosmology definitions, some changes have been witnessed in the universe. There have been new additions. No one can really tell whether the new additions are just occurring for the first time or have been there all along but we just did not know about their existence. According to other definitions however, the universe has not changed in any way and it is going to remain that way eternally.

     Anyone trying to find the definition of cosmology should try and find about what each definition has to say and the facts that are given to support each argument. You are the only person who should decide which cosmology definition best satisfies your curiosity.

Origin of the universe

     Cosmology has a lot to do with how our universe came into being. The universe is something mankind has always tried to understand. People want to find out how the planet we are in is started. We also want to find out if there are other planets like ours and whether there are people like us or whether there is any life there.

     Cosmology definition tries to tell us about the origin of the universe. In the universe we find planets. Some of these planets are inhabitable and there are many life forms that are available there. Some planets are also inhabitable.

     Cosmology definition tries to find out the other forms that are to be found in the universe. There are stars, meters, the sun and the moon. All these things are found in the universe and cosmology tires to explain how all these bodies work.

     Cosmology definition can mean very many things to many people. There are people who study cosmology and they explain what cosmology means to many people. If they are explaining cosmology from a religious point of view, they will tell how different religion views the universe. They will tell f the changes that might happen it the universe.

     Physics is also used to explain the universe but in very simple terms. It is therefore very simple to understand the universe from his point.

     Cosmology definition can be very complex especially if there are no ways of finding the truth. Cosmology definition here is based on faith and people can only believe what is taught to be the truth. This happens especially in religion. In most religions, you will find books that were written very many years ago explaining cosmology. They tell a lot about what happened in the beginning, and what will happen in future.

     In every definition of cosmology however, there is some form of mystery. There are things that cannot be explained. This is because telling what has happened in the past can be very difficult. People have to look for theories and test them to find out if they make sense at all. If the theories do not make sense, they have to go back to the drawing board and try to find other theories until they can find a theory that will make sense. It is therefore very hard to come up with a definition that clearly defines cosmology.

     Cosmology definition also involves the future. Telling what will happen in the future can be very difficult. Even if you can predict what will happen, we cannot do so with certainty. Some events may come up in the future and they might change what is bound to happen. This means that for anyone to define cosmology the right way, they have to consider all the future factors that can affect the universe and be able to tell what way is more certain.

     Whatever cosmology means to you, you should know that there are other definitions and different people believe in them for different reasons.