BIG BANG COSMOLOGY: One of the popular definitions

BIG BANG COSMOLOGY: One of the popular definitions

By JodonP วันศุกร์ที่ 7 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2557

One of the popular definitions is the big bang cosmology. This is the most recent arguments that try to establish the origin, progress and the future of the universe. It is based on science and is credited for bringing more light in to understanding how the universe operates. According to the big bang cosmology, the universe was not as it is today. It was far much smaller. Billions of years ago, the space that was there got so hot and started expanding. This expansion resulted to an explosion that saw the space disintegrate to many pieces.

The big bang cosmology further tries to explain what happened after the explosion.  The space we are living in today continued expanding. However, unlike the earlier small space that got too hot, this piece cooled enough to support life but still went on expanding. There are other pieces that we can call planets that cooled in exactly the same way as our planet; some of these planets are inhabitable while others cannot support any life. There are many things that can make a planet not to support life for example lack of water or air. Lack of these things is what makes some planets habitable while others are not.

The big bang cosmology states that there are some pieces that are still very hot and continue expanding every day. These pieces can be seen going round in the universe. No one really knows what is going to happen to these pieces. Each piece will react to the condition it is in differently and no piece is ever similar to the other.

If you read the big bang cosmology carefully, you will most likely get to understand how the universe came to being and know what is bound to happen to the universe over time. Sometimes though, it can be hard to believe that the current universe as we know it was just a tiny piece that expanded.

You might also wonder what will happen to those other inhabitable pieces that are still going round the earth. What is going to happen with time? Are these pieces likely to expand and result in formation of more planets? Are they going to calm down and become habitable like our planet today?

Most people who rely more on the other cosmology definitions find the big bang cosmology hard to explain and understand. We are all very different therefore no one should be limited to any type of thinking .If you find that the big bang cosmology works for you, well and fine. If on the other hand it does not, try finding out other cosmology definitions and settle on the one that best satisfies you.